How a CLEAR project works
CLEAR is an integrated learning and working programme for clinicians to develop new skills in data science, transformation and leadership while delivering live redesign projects in the NHS. Our bespoke education programme takes place over 24 weeks and is split into four key phases: clinical engagement, data visualisation, innovation and recommendations.
This unique methodology is designed to build expertise, form a robust evidence base and create a unified practice in each area, with our specialists in NHS workforce transformation supporting CLEAR Associates and organisations every step of the way.

What’s involved?
A typical project begins by looking at the potential for workforce and service redesign. We will work with you to agree the possibilities, the scope of the project and feasibility. Once agreed, the National CLEAR Faculty will assign a project team, including clinicians from your organisation, if available.
What we need from you
- Agreement to data sharing and governance
- Initial support from your IT team and business analysts to extract the relevant workforce, activity and financial data
- Collaboration with your communications and patient participation teams
- Commitment of clinical leadership, Board and executive sponsors
You’ll be joining a national programme which provides:
- A clinical project team, including participants from your own staff, if available
- Senior clinical innovators and data scientists to work with your organisation
- Relevant data analytics and modelling tools
- Nationally approved standards of project assurance and information governance
- Joining a CLEAR community of practice with shared information and experiences from similar projects across the country
Once the project is underway, the project team will engage relevant staff and stakeholders to work through the four stages of the methodology, leading to recommendations for new workforce and service models.
If interested, individuals, organisations and regions/systems are encouraged to submit an expression of interest in one of our key themes. Alternatively, if you have an idea for a project outside a theme or timescale, we welcome the opportunity to discuss your local needs in more detail. Please contact a member of the CLEAR team by emailing
Join the CLEAR
Get in touch with us if you would like to discuss
a potential project and/or opportunities for your
clinical staff.