The National CLEAR Programme is delighted to be announcing the launch of a seven-month AI pilot which is open to seven NHS trusts across England.
It follows the programme’s development of a new clinically-designed AI powered patient consultation summary tool which can transform workforce productivity enabling more time for patients.
Expressions of interest are now being sought for the pilot which offers seven NHS trusts (one per region) to become early adopters and co-designers of the tool within pre-operative assessment (anaesthetics). Trusts will take part in an onboarding process in the summer, with the pilot going live in the autumn.

CLEARnotes converts clinician-patient conversations automatically into clinical notes – leveraging AI and speech recognition technologies to produce clear, structured summaries – with the ability to easily edit the text if needed. The tool has been developed by a team of NHS clinicians and industry experts, who have a deep understanding of the complexities of the NHS.
The deadline for expressions of interest is 5pm on Monday 17 June – the expression of interest form can be found here. For further information about this opportunity, please read our CLEARnotes expression of interest pack.
The EOI form covers the following questions:
- What is your current pre-operative process and who does what? Please include if you outsource any functions (e.g dictation services).
- What is your current volume of pre-operative assessment activity? Please give a breakdown by staff type and number of staff who hold pre-operative assessment clinics.
- What is the estimated amount of time that your staff spend on documentation of pre-operative assessments? (if possible, please provide overall and/or time spent per clinician).
- What computer hardware and software systems do your clinicians use during pre-operative assessment clinics?
CLEARnotes is a browser based application. There is no software downloaded. We simply require access to the latest browser (Chrome, Edge), and access to a microphone. - What are the requirements at your trust for implementing a browser based solution? Do you have access to high quality microphones or do we need to source these?
If you have any questions please email